Miramonte belongs to Evelyn and Ike Ikrath, who also own Haus Hirt, which is also a member of our small hotel family. And the Miramonte is a further highlight in the hotel jungle of Bad Gastein. First of all: It’s beautifully located on a hillside. You have this wonderful view into the valley and to the mystic Grand Hotels in the centre of this historical and often magic town.
However, unlike the Haus Hirt, the Miramonte is an architectural “Zeitgeist” experiment: It doesn’t really follow the traditional mountain hotel standards and the ubiquitous wooden chalet style is just not present here. Architect Ike Ikrath has managed to turn a typical building from the 50s into a mixture of a cool hideaway and designer hotel.
The rooms are light, modern, not really playful, but somehow very cosy. The corridors are cool, but not cold. The terrace not romantic, but nice and somehow people like to mingle here more often than we have seen it in other hotels. The spa is not pseudo, but somehow real. And the guests not spoilt, but curious to know, just what makes this place so interesting.

What we like
We really liked the communal (very delicious) evening dinner on the terrace at the front of the building with a view to the brightly illuminated Bad Gastein. Everyone sits together at a large table and gets to know the other guests. Later you gather around the fire for cocktails, or watch a movie on the open air screen – relaxing on one of the sun beds.
Thus ideal for
People, who don’t necessarily want to follow conventions and want to have creative neighbours during their holiday in the mountains. In theory, you can spend a whole week in Miramonte, sitting on the terrace, working on your laptop.
Double room from 80 euros per person including breakfast.

Booking & contact
Designhotel Miramonte
Reitlpromenade 3
Bad Gastein
Salzburger Land / Austria